Airsoft Safety

AIRSOFT GUNS ARE NOT TOYS. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE BY ADULTS ONLY, AND ARE NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE BY MINORS. Users under the age of 18 MUST have adult supervision. Misuse of this product may cause serious injury; particularly to the eyes, ears, and mouth. Protective eyewear and equipment must always be worn while playing Airsoft games. Full face masks are recommended. The purchaser and user should conform to all laws governing the use and ownership of airsoft guns. Do no brandish or display this product in public as this may confuse people and may be a crime. Police and others may think this product is a real firearm. Do NOT bring this product to any school or public place. Only use this product in designated Airsoft fields or on private property which you have full permission to play on. ANYONE CAUGHT USING AN AIRSOFT GUN IN A CRIME OR OTHER ACT OF MISCONDUCT WILL BE TREATED AND CHARGED THE SAME AS THOUGH IT WERE A REAL FIREARM. Do NOT change the coloration and markings to make an airsoft gun more realistic. This is dangerous and a crime.

Protective eyewear and equipment must always be worn while using Airsoft Guns. Full face protection is recommended.